Liebster Award

Hey my blog just got Liebster Award form my craft blogger friend bored little piggy. Thank dear for nominating me. Check out her blog, she knitted a lovely dress for herself. I don’t know if I am able to finish my knitted dress, but she could. πŸ™‚

Anyway, I should answer at least 5 from 11 questions she asked, here are my answers.


Who is your favorite family member, and why do you pick this person?

I love all my family members of course. It’s difficult to choose who is my favorite one. May I choose more than one person? :-D. I love my son more than anything, he is the reason I live. I will do everything to make him happy and help him growing to be a man, a good man. πŸ™‚

My mother is my hero, my inspiration. She is smart and wonderful person. She taught me many things. She loves her children more than anything, and of course we love her as well. May my parents specially my mother are always healthy and happy.

Is there any place in the world you would like to visit but you cannot?

I want to go around Indonesia, climb Indonesian mountains. But I don’t know if I am able to do that this time, you know I am getting older maybe climbing mountain is little bit dangerous for me. πŸ™‚ I also want visit USA, Europe, and many countries, but the problem are same, it’s involving time and money. But yea I am still trying.

How many languages do you speak (language of love and sarcasm don’t count)? Do you want to learn more?

My mother language is local language called Sundanese. Indonesia has hundreds local languages but luckily we have National language called Bahasa (Indonesia). So I speak Bahasa too for formal language and talk with people who don’t understand Sundanese. I also speak English as foreign language. I have tried to learn Japanese and French, but always in poor level :-D. I still want to learn Japanese, French, German and Arabic.

What is your proudest moment?

My proudest moment is when my son gets an achievement. Even maybe small thing is always make me proud as a mom. My son doesn’t like to tell me what achievement he got, he said mom will tell every body and it’s embarrassing haha. Ooh my boy, please understand your proud mommy.

Is there one thing in the past you want to change or do differently?

I am thankful of everything in my life good and bad, all gave me lessons to be a better person. Generally I never felt regret about my past. I have only one thing I feel regret in my life. I wish I was as brave as this time and took many important decisions since long time ago. I was too scare of many things, scare of what people say and scare of what my future look like. But everything always comes and goes in right time. πŸ™‚

What is your last achievement?

I got MIF (Matsumae International Foundation) fellowship to visit and live in Japan for 6 months. It was very memorable time when I lived there. I had many friends from around the world and also could travel around Japan for free ( yes free). What achievement could be better than that?

Next, The most difficult thing I should do that is choosing 5 blogger friends to be nominated Liebster Award. I have many wonderful blogger friends and some blogger have gotten Liebster Award. So here I choose 5 blogger friends:

  1. My lovely  blogger friend who is studying Biophysics in Germany πŸ˜‰ MellyLovesKitchen
  2. My beautiful and fashionable blogger friend Ramona Crisstea
  3. My blogger friend from Uni Emirates Arab Dreaming in Arabic
  4. My traveler blogger friend Snap Shot 
  5. My lovely blogger friend from Holland Chez Lorraine

The rules of this award are:

  1. If you accept the award, thank the person who nominates you and link them on your post. They might want to hear from you too, if you have accepted the award:)
  2. And then you can answer the question that person asked you:) That person might ask you to answer all, or as little as 5 β€” it depends really.
  3. Once you have finished answering, you nominate other bloggers too. I think there’s a minimum of 5, but you should be allowed to do more. The more the merrier, right?
  4. Now, you let these cool bloggers know that you have nominated them for the award, you might want to send them the link to your post to make it easier for them.
  5. Finally, you can give them questions of your own, preferably 11 questions.

My questions for them are:

  1. Why are you become a blogger?
  2. Do you think you still become a blogger in 5 years later?
  3. What is your favorite place you ever visited?
  4. What is your memorable moment when you were childhood?
  5. How do you meet your spouse? (If you have)
  6. What usually do you do when you are with your friends?
  7. What skill or knowledge you still want to learn?
  8. If there is a life after death who/what do you want to become?
  9. Are you a morning person, day person or evening person?
  10. How do you spend your relax time?
  11. What is your favorite super hero character?

Have fun guys  πŸ˜‰

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Paardje says:

    Selamat success, Yanti! πŸ™‚ Your blog deserves the award πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yanti says:

      Thanks again, I saw you had this award long time ago πŸ™‚ ❀️

      Liked by 1 person

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